A Wonderful Night at the elegant Henry Carter Hull Library, Clinton, Connecticut.

I was thrilled to address readers at this gem of a library. While living in Clinton we were both long-term members. It has been rated as one of the top six libraries for Connecticut towns with up to 40,000 residents. And Clinton has about 14, 000 residents.  So Henry Carter Hull punches way above its weight. You can imagine how delighted and humbled I was to be invited to do my slide show/book talk there.

It was  a record cold night with lingering slick ice on pathways. Nevertheless, brave souls provided an ample audience.

Thank you so much to rhe readers who honored me by buying the book and asking so many excellent questions.

With Jack Knapp, an expert on 1930s car technology who helped me with the two car crash scenes. In 1941 Rabaul had the highest per capita car ownership in the world so how cars crashed was important.

With Betsy Welling and Jeanne King, friends at Chester Village.