Reviews: Beyond the Bukubuk Tree

Award-winning historical novelist Goldberg melds biographical inspiration, historical fact, and creative fiction in this World War II novel. The protagonist, Jake, is a young Jewish Australian doctor who is modeled partially upon Goldberg’s maternal uncle Bertie, a doctor who served in Lark Force, a volunteer battalion assigned to defend Rabaul, the capital of Australia’s Mandated Territory of New Guinea. The author’s meticulous research, evocative writing, deeply introspective and compelling characters, an emotionally complex and historically relevant plot, and a unique setting make this an unforgettable story. Goldberg deftly explores loyalty and betrayal, inner and outer wars, error and redemption, and many other dualities. There’s much to unpack in this richly woven tale, but the writer guides readers through the scenes with a sense of natural ease.

Reviewed and Recommended by the US Review